What does Paul means by "High Priest forever" (Heb 6:20)?

C Mc
C Mc Posts: 4,463
edited January 2018 in Bible Questions

In Hebrews 6:20, Paul says that Jesus has “become High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” Who is this person? What does Paul mean here? CM



  • dct112685
    dct112685 Posts: 1,114

    I made the case a few weeks ago that Melchizedek was actually an Old Testament Christophany.

  • @C_M_ said:
    In Hebrews 6:20, Paul says that Jesus has “become High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” Who is this person? What does Paul mean here? CM

    The verses following upon the passage your quoted contain the information - as much as there is to know - for which you are asking (cp. Heb 7)

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