Gordon Clark on the Problem of Evil (solved)

Dave_L Posts: 2,362
edited March 2018 in Devotional Thoughts

Gordon Clark was a Presbyterian theologian and philosopher. He taught at Butler University in Indianapolis Indiana. Many think he solved the problem of evil. From the earliest centuries people questioned how God could be all good and all powerful, and the creator of all, if evil exists.

Following are some notes I collected over the years that show how he solves this seeming paradox.

Clark first asks; "How can the existence of God be harmonized with the existence of evil?"

If God is all-good, He would want to destroy evil.

If God is all-powerful, He is able to destroy evil. But evil still exists.

It seems that God cannot be both all-good and all-powerful. However, Christianity teaches that He is both. This is the problem of evil."

Clark stated that, "God's causing a man to sin is not sin. There is no law, superior to God, which forbids him to decree sinful acts. Sin presupposes a law, for sin is lawlessness." Clark explained that "God is above law" because "the laws that God imposes on men do not apply to the divine nature."

I add to this that God created evil for his glory. As a backdrop to display his perfections of love, mercy, justice, wrath, and other attributes that would otherwise remain unknown.

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